E●A●T is seeking select college students to join our College Ambassador Program. This program empowers students to plan and host their own on-campus fundraising events with support from our Community Events Manager, Michelle Isban. These events enable students to educate their college community on the dangers of living with food allergies while helping to fund research to find cures. By becoming a College Ambassador, students develop skills in leadership, advocacy, event planning, and fundraising. The program was launched at the University of South Carolina in 2017 and is open to students with and without food allergies. Please email Michelle at [email protected] for more information and to apply. Please include your name, university, year, and why you are motivated by E●A●T’s mission.

- Gain event planning and fundraising experience
- Be recognized as the inaugural College Ambassador on your school campus
- Receive social media mentions, shout outs pre and post event
- Serve as a mentor for future ambassadors
Consider hosting a dodgeball, volleyball or basketball fundraiser:
- Not weather dependent
- Easy to organize
- Opportunity for fun, spirited team engagement
- Minimal or no cost for facilities
- Appeals to a wide range of athletic abilities

Brooke Ackerman
Massachusetts Amherst University ’20
Not a day goes by that my family members and I do not act in regard to our food allergies. At all ages, we have seen the impact allergies have in every stage of life; whether it be elementary school, college, or the workforce. Each day, we must carefully read ingredients and ask the key questions to ensure our safety and protect our lives. As a biology major and pre-med student at the University of Massachusetts, I am passionate about finding a cure and funding the research necessary to help the millions of people who suffer from food allergies. I am lucky that the UMass Amherst community is so supportive and accommodating of dietary restrictions, but I am aware that this is not the case at most institutions. I have chosen to support E.A.T as a College Ambassador because I believe that with the proper funding, we can find a cure and discover effective treatments.

Marissa Arminio
West Virginia University ’22
While attending my first year at West Virginia University, I was welcomed into the sisterhood of Alpha Phi, which has opened my eyes to the world of philanthropy. I take pride in giving back and spreading awareness. Having lived with a severe food allergy to tree nuts, I believe that organizations like EAT are confronting an issue that is not only near and dear to my heart, but also extremely important to all those who are impacted by allergies. I look forward to spreading further awareness, and I could not be prouder to join EAT.

Dillon Benedicto
Johnson & Wales University ’22
I have lived with severe peanut and tree nut allergy since I was born, and two years ago I experienced anaphylactic shock for the first time. It was a terrifying experience and one I had hoped would never come. I began working in the food service industry at the age of 16 and it was then I truly realized how little education people have on food allergies and how to handle them. I am currently at Johnson and Wales University studying in the Dietetics and Applied Nutrition program and hope that through E.A.T. I am able to help educate the future food service workforce on food allergies and how to handle them.

Ava Bialon
Westmoreland Community College ’24
After hearing about E.A.T, I knew I wanted to get involved. I have lived with severe food allergies to dairy, soy ,nuts, egg, fish, and beans my entire life. I thought by making my platform food allergy awareness while running for Miss Pennsylvania, I’d have a great opportunity to bring awareness to food allergies while raising money for E.A.T.

Daniel Del Castillo
Pepperdine University ’21
During my Junior year at Pepperdine University, I was given the privilege of joining Sigma Phi Epsilon. Once I was elected to our Executive Board, I decided that the best use of my term was to give back to the community and to get involved with organizations such as E.A.T. Both of my younger siblings have suffered with severe allergies throughout their lives, so I was thrilled to find out that fellow SigEp’s Max Rickard and Will Noland had already established a relationship with E.A.T. I am looking forward to planning more fundraising events in the future and to help raise awareness of food allergies.

Lillian Kennedy
University of Alabama at Birmingham ’23
When I heard about E.A.T, I knew I wanted to get involved! Having a life-threatening peanut allergy, I feel very driven to bring more awareness to food allergies. Many people don’t realize the daily struggles of dealing with an allergy, so I do my part to educate those I meet about the severity and commonality of food allergies. I am excited to be an Ambassador, as it will allow me to spread the word about Anaphylaxis Research, as well as fundraise, so that eventually the millions living with food allergies can live safer lives!

Will Noland
Pepperdine University ’20
As soon as I found out my fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, was pursuing philanthropic efforts for the spring semester, I knew that I had to pitch E.A.T. My little brother suffers from a severe tree-nut allergy, so the cause is particularly important to me. I talked to our philanthropic chair, Maxwell Rickard, and the president of our chapter and we all agreed that E.A.T would be the perfect fit for our spring fundraising efforts. We appreciated E.A.T’s mission of finding cures and helping to fund treatment for allergies, as everybody seems to have some sort of connection with the growing issue, either personally or secondhand. We look forward to hosting our second event here on campus in the spring!

Noelly Olvera Moreno
Residential Assistant The Village
Political Science ’22
Growing up with close family members who lived with severe food allergies allowed me to learn at a very young age what food allergies were and just how severe they were. Nearly two years ago I developed allergies to several foods including many fruits, as well as red dye 40. It was very difficult to have to adjust to living with these at a much later stage in life. I hope that through EAT I can bring more awareness to all aspects of food allergies and contribute to research.

Maxwell Rickard
Pepperdine University ’20
After learning about E.A.T, I decided it would be the best spring charity for SigEp to donate to. I have tons of friends back home in Chicago and here in Malibu with severe food allergies. Donating to E.A.T is a great way to not only show them that people care and want to help them, but also that anything is possible with enough determination.

Skylar Shack
University of Rhode Island ’22
As I was entering college, I had no idea what to expect since no one from my hometown of Greenwich, CT would be there be my side. Luckily, I was able to enter the sisterhood of Sigma Delta Tau. Being a part of this chapter has introduced me to new people from all around the world. Meeting new people has greatly educated me on the importance of allergies and how to assist someone in case of an emergency. I am excited to take a leadership position and spread E.A.T awareness on the URI campus.

Jack Swallen
West Virginia University ’21
When first discovering EAT, I wanted to get involved immediately. Growing up with a twin who has been allergic to tree-nuts her entire life has made me understand the importance of allergy safety and awareness. Because of my sister’s allergy, I sought out to educate myself on how I can be prepared to assist her at any moment. Learning how to administer epi-pens correctly and familiarizing myself with certain foods that contain tree-nuts are some of the basic yet useful skills I acquired to help maintain my sisters safety. I believe EAT has one of the best platforms to formally address, promote, and educate all on the significance of allergy awareness!
Email Michelle at [email protected] to apply to be a College Ambassador at your school. Please include your name, university, year and why you are motivated by E●A●T’s mission.