E●A●T is proud to offer two programs for middle and high school teens ready to take on leadership positions and join our fight to end allergies together. These programs will help us fund research to find cures for food allergies while educating communities on the dangers of living with them. By becoming an ambassador or starting a school club, teens will learn how to plan events, fundraise and advocate for those affected by food allergies. Both programs are open to teens with and without food allergies. Email E●A●T’s Community Events Manager, Michelle Isban, at [email protected] for more information and to get started!
- A Teen Ambassador can be a student with or without food allergies.
- Ambassadors select the type of fundraisers they want to create and E●A●T’s Community Events Manager supports ambassadors and helps plan them.
- Ambassadors can choose to plan one fundraiser or host multiple fundraisers.
- School clubs are comprised of a group of students with and without food allergies.
- Clubs require approval from your school.
- Clubs meet regularly and decide how often. For example, once a week or once a month.
- Clubs vote together on fundraisers and events they want to hold and E●A●T’s Community Events Manager helps with planning.

Olivia Addeo
New York, Class of 2022
I have lived with severe peanut and tree nut allergies for my whole life, and I know how difficult it can be. I am passionate about food allergy research, and I am even fortunate enough to be conducting my own food allergy research as part of my high school’s science research program. I am excited to aid E●A●T in their mission to raise awareness about food allergies and fund research that can bring us closer to treatments and a cure. My goal is to help the millions of people like me who live with food allergies.

Kiley Ahn
Rhode Island, Class of 2021
I am a junior at Lasalle Academy and I have been living with severe food allergies my whole entire life. My allergies consist of pitted fruit, shellfish, fish, dairy, egg, tree nuts, and peanuts. After reading about EAT I really wanted to get involved with helping to find a cure and spread awareness. In my free time I take care of 11 horses and ride them everyday! I also like to spend time skiing and hanging out with friends. I can not wait to work with EAT and spread awareness in my community.

Jackson Curran
Connecticut, Class of 2024
I was really excited to plan and host my “Shoot for a Cure” fundraiser for E●A●T. It was a way for me to raise money for a cause that is very important to my family AND do something I love – play basketball. My twin brother and I both have life threatening food allergies. A cure for food allergies is something I have wished for since I was very young, so I really hope End Allergies Together raises a lot of money to fund the researchers looking for a cure. It really would change so many lives, including mine!

Bryson Doyle
Michigan, Class of 2024
My name is Bryson and I am excited to be a part of the EAT organization. I have severe food allergies to peanuts, treenuts, fish, shellfish, and dairy. I also have many other allergies like environmental allergies, medicine allergies, and even disperse blue (shirt dye). My allergies have always prevented me from doing things in life. I think that if we focus on the things we can do, rather than what we can’t do, it can help make situations better. In my spare time, you can find me on the ice playing hockey, I also play piano, but most importantly I like spending time with family. I know living with allergies is very difficult from reading labels, to asking to speak to the manager at a restaurant is very tough. My whole family (me and my mom specifically) have worked to raise awareness through our instagram @allergykid2006. I hope that becoming part of EAT that I can raise more awareness, help fund research through amazing fundraisers and find better ways to manage allergies altogether!

Dani Eder
New York, Class of 2022
Having lived with severe allergies my entire life, when I first heard about E●A●T, I knew I wanted to get involved. I am so excited to help the organization and bring awareness to my high school. E●A●T draws attention to the importance of awareness for food allergies with a mission of finding cures and treatment for everybody. Allergies are affecting more and more people worldwide and it’s time we end them all together!

Samantha Grech
New York, Class of 2022
I am thrilled to be apart of the E●A●T organization. My youngest sister has a severe peanut allergy and many of my closest friends are allergic to all nuts as well. Allergies affect me everyday. No matter where we go to eat, whether it is with my friends or with my family, we have to make sure that there is no cross contamination; I have learned that allergies can be a very big burden on the individual with them and the people that surround them. Through the E●A●T. organization, I hope to raise awareness and educate people about the impact allergies have on others.

Aanya Gupta
Chicago, Class of 2025
I am a seventh grader who lives in the suburbs of Chicago. I am allergic to hazelnuts, peanuts, and certain fruits. I have a little brother who is anaphylactic to milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, bananas, and lentils, has asthma, and EOE. He is so sensitive to his allergens, that he can not even touch them. I was seven years old when we first found out about his allergies and it has shaped my whole life. We rarely go out to eat, we have to read labels very carefully, we have to keep an eye on my brother at parties, and we have to make sure he doesn’t even touch his allergens. I run the Instagram account living_the_gf_vibes_ where I post recipes for gluten free and allergy safe foods. I also play travel basketball and volleyball, I like to write short stories, and I love to garden. When I found out about EAT, I knew I wanted to join because I’ve always wanted to find a way for people to eat fearlessly! I’m really happy to be a teen ambassador because it gives me the opportunity to be a part of the great movement leading to the cure of food allergies altogether!

Ben Hyman
New York, Class of 2023
I’m a freshman at Scarsdale High School and have been living with multiple food allergies since I was two. I’m passionate about raising awareness of food allergies and finding a cure. In my spare time, I enjoy tennis, skiing, guitar and hanging out with my dog, Charlie. I’m excited to work with E●A●T to spread awareness of food allergies in my high school and community. I’m confident that E●A●T’s goal of collaboration will bring us one step closer to a cure.

Gabriel Laguerre
New York, Class of 2024
I am allergic to tree nuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish. I know how hard it can be to have food allergies. My family and I have to be so careful to read ingredients on food packages, speak to waitstaff at restaurants to carefully explain my allergies, and constantly remember to ask about ingredients before I put anything into my mouth. It can be really scary to put my health at risk by eating out in a foreign country. Additionally, it is hard to not be able to eat the same foods as the rest of my friends and family. I am excited to be involved with E●A●T because I hope that with donations, we are able to find better ways to manage food allergies. I hope that at some point in my future I might be able to try Nutella or eat fried calamari!

Bryony McNaught
Lancaster, Class of 2021
My name is Bryony, I’m 17 years old and I live in the North West of England. I am severely allergic to all Tree Nuts, so I carry two epipens and I am also allergic to g and tree pollen. I run an instagram account called Youthallergyuk where myself and others with allergies can post to share our experiences and advice on living with allergies. I am so excited to be a Teen Ambassador for E.A.T as my allergies mean a lot to me as they change the way I live and my outlook on life. I hope to be an influence to others!

Remi Myers
New York, Class of 2024
I am fourteen years old and in 8th grade at Hackley School. When I was four years old, my mother had to rush me to the hospital because I was covered in rashes from head to toe and I was unable to walk. It was that day that we found out I was allergic to pineapple. Other than pineapple, I am also allergic to walnuts. I am very excited to be a Teen Ambassador for E●A●T because I agree with everything they are doing. I know how scary it is to have an allergic reaction, and it is not pleasant. I feel it is important to find a cure and to support science and research in this area. I’m so excited to join E.A.T and help be a part of something that will better people’s lives!

Evann Oleshansky
Michigan, Class of 2022
I am so excited to be a part of EAT. I am a junior at Groves High School in Birmingham, Michigan. I have been allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame my entire life. I am the president of the Allergy Awareness Club at my school where we discuss issues regarding food allergies and how to make our school safer. By working together with EAT, I hope to bring more awareness and help to make an impact in my school and community. In the future, I would like to help find a cure for food allergies so no one has to live in fear anymore.
My club Instagram is @grovesallergyawareness

Shreya Saxena
Texas, Class of 2021
Living with anaphylactic allergies to nuts and seeds my entire life, I know the struggle that many others encounter around the world. EAT is such an important organization, as it brings awareness to a global health issue that is so often overlooked. Together we will overcome this growing problem because no child should live with the fears and pressures of food allergies. I am so grateful to be a Teen Ambassador for an organization that supports a cause that I am extremely passionate about, and am looking forward to the numerous possibilities for cures to allergies.

Petyon Elizabeth York
Texas, Class of 2026
I am currently a 7th grader from Southwest Austin, Texas. I am anaphylactic to peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish. I also have a mild dairy allergy, and I am also allergic to egg yolk. I also suffer from multiple seasonal allergies such as Oak, Cedar, and Pecan. My allergies are so severe and sensitive to smell and touch. Because of this my family practices strict measures to ensure I am exposed to the least amount of cross contamination as possible. I experienced my first anaphylactic reaction when I ate a fourth of a cashew at the age of three. I almost lost my life that day, my blood pressure dropped severely, I began to have an asthma attack, my throat began to close, and I broke out in severe hives. I was administered 2 doses of epinephrine and rushed to the ER.
This incident shaped my family’s entire life as we knew it. From that day forth my Mom & Dad had to learn to read labels and take precautions to ensure that I did not have another anaphylactic reaction. Unfortunately, 2 years later I did, when I ate a piece of shrimp and found out I was allergic to shellfish. Over the years trying to navigate living with food allergies and experiencing discrimination at school because of my food allergies my family launched a nonprofit. Peyton’s Allergy Shield of Hope was started in November of 2019 as a resource to advocate for children and individuals living with food allergies. We are here to educate and advocate on behalf of the food allergy community.
I am so honored to be chosen to be a Teen Ambassador for EAT! I am so eager to help bring awareness to food allergy research, and education through my work with EAT.

Jack Dylan Zipper
New York, Class of 2024
I enjoy playing tennis and golf, skiing, watching sports, competing in the National History Bee and undertaking charitable projects. I have struggled with severe food allergies to egg, fin fish, sesame, mustard and pineapple since birth. Food allergies greatly impact my life, my siblings’ lives who also have food allergies and the lives of my friends and family. I have undergone successful desensitization treatments that have greatly improved my quality of life, and I want to help E.A.T find and fund more treatments for children like me. I hope that my work for E●A●T can bring much needed awareness and fundraising to this important and growing issue.
To learn more about these programs and how to sign up,
email Michelle Isban at [email protected]